
"I am an Actor a Painter, a Singer, a Writer, a Dancer, a Photographer, a Sculptor, and a Designer- a total Artist. Raw Vegan foodie.
I love life- everything and everyone in it-I love unconditionally to the highest degree. Welcome."

Monday, January 31, 2011

I JUST got back from the west coast where I attended a 5-day acting intensive with TVI Studios.

Things in LA went very well. The weather was amazing. It was raining when I left, but that was the only day that wasn't sunny. Having mid 70's every day really is a treat when you come from "freezing your nips off" kind of weather. Though the weather is frigid, I am glad to be back with my loved ones ( dog and mom). AND may I add how great my mom is looking, juicing really makes her feel and look ravenous.

I came back from LA surprised. Surprised because of all I had learned and all I have to do for the future. It was a good kind of surprise. IT was the kind of surprise I was seeking to better my craft. As much as acting is about talent, so much of it isn't about talent!

To make it easier to understand what I'm saying, here are some bullet points I'd like to share to those of you who are interested:

- if you can make them (casting director, agent, manager) money, they will pick you up.
- versatility can hurt you in the beginning of your career
- know your "type/essence."
- you have to brand yourself as something, and be able to sell that hard.
- once you make a name for yourself, then you can be versatile.
- more Australians are leads on TV shows than Americans.
- confidence books jobs.
- you have to make the casting director's, agent's, manager's job easy.
- you have to be likable.
- don't give them (casting director, agent,manager) a reason to say "NO" to you, i.e wardrobe.
- schmooze when ever possible.
- LA likes comedy, so by all means do comedic monologues.
- AFTRA union is getting more work than SAG (but there are current discussions of a merge possibly next year).

This may sound shocking, so let me elaborate on a few things. Yes, versatility at the beginning of your career is bad. POR QUE? WHY? because Hollywood is all about fast and easy business, shocking right? lol. The minute you walk into a room they (i.e casting directors, agents, managers) will already know if they like you or not and will have already "typed you"- all of this will happen without you even opening your mouth. SO, know your type/essence and sell the crap out of it. How do you sell it? You sell your type by dressing like your type, by having a monologue that is your type and by having a head shot that shows your type.

Well this is all I can think of right now....haha, but I am sure I'll be reminded of more, and when that comes, so will another post.

Last piece of advice, keep your head above water, but not in the clouds.

Have a good week.