
"I am an Actor a Painter, a Singer, a Writer, a Dancer, a Photographer, a Sculptor, and a Designer- a total Artist. Raw Vegan foodie.
I love life- everything and everyone in it-I love unconditionally to the highest degree. Welcome."

Saturday, August 14, 2010

21-Here I come

The 21 Day Clean Program has commenced!!!

Victory I can finally eat food! I woke up hoping that this morning would bring a chocolate Clean shake that would be yummy. I was so scared that it would taste horribly-because chugging down juice is fine but smoothies are a little more difficult. But I was all wrong. The smoothie was fantastic and I was back open for business! YIPPPY
Now the 21 Day consists of the following: a shake for breakfast, meal at lunch, and shake for dinner.

But I cant just eat anything for lunch! I have to stay inside of the guideline perimeters and can not eat any of the following...

Oranges, orange juice, grapefruit, strawberries,grapes, banana
Dairy Substitutes:
Dairy and eggs, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, cream,yogurt, butter, ice cream, non-dairy,creamers
Grains and Starches:
Wheat, corn, barley, spelt, kamut, rye, couscous, oats
Animal Protein:
Raw fish, pork, beef, veal, sausage, cold cuts, canned meats,hot dogs, shellfish
Vegetable Proteins:
Soybean products (soy sauce, soybean oil in processed
foods, tempeh, tofu, soy milk, soy yogurt)
Nuts and Seeds:
Peanuts, peanut butter, pistachios, macadamia nuts
Corn, creamed vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, peppers
Butter, margarine, shortening, processed oils, canola oil, salad dressings, mayonnaise, spreads
Alcohol, coffee, caffeinated beverages, soda pop, soft drinks
Refined sugar, white/brown sugars, honey, maple syrup, high fructose corn syrup, evaporated cane juice, Splenda®, Equal®, Sweet’N Low®
Chocolate, ketchup, relish, chutney, soy sauce,
barbecue sauce, teriyaki, other condiments

Morning Shake
(you might notice that I cant have chocolate but the chocolate shake has only "Dutch processed cocoa" and that is in the green!)

YUM YUM Chocolate shake with vitamins . The Clean Program gives you  5 vitamins to take at varies times. the vitamins in this picture are taken 3 times a day with every meal.

Completely epic: My first meal with food(!) since the Juice Cleanse. I steamed asparagus, made a  hearts of palm, avocado, mango and nectarine salad, and  I teamed up with mom to grill one of my favorite fishes  the Mediterranean sea bass known as "Branzino"(a very meaty fish). I made cherry relish by reducing about 16 cherries with a table spoon of raw blue agave nectar. This relish was the crowning jewel for my fish. This relish was so good that I even made another batch today ontop of my Amish turkey- kinda like ThanksGiving =)