Constantly looking for new eats/drinks that help nurture the body, ALO Drinks have become a new drinkable passion. These drinks I found while walking around in Whole Foods reading and learning about a few natural energy choices. These drinks have no preservatives, no artificial flavors and are all natural. ALO Drinks start with the sophisticated aloe plant that has been used for external benefits but now have been found to have tremendous nutritional internal benefits. Not only does the Aloe plant help with digestion, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, but it also has lots of enzymes, vitamins and minerals. The drinks have natural Aloe pulp in them which taste like the sweet, light Asian fruit Lychees. I have only been able to get my hands on a few Alo drinks but the new ones that I have - cranberry+ pomegranate and grapefruit+lemon+pomelo- look really good. But the ones that I have tried and have a huge nutritional benefit are "Awaken" and "Elated." "Awaken" has Aloe and wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is known for its density of vitamins minerals, chlorophyll and enzymes. Wheatgrass has twice as many nutrients than any other vegetable and is known to help metabolism and circulation. "Elated" has olive leaf in it and after researching- the benefits of olive leaf were surprising. Olive leaf is packed with more antioxidants than green tea. Olive leaf is a antibiotic and has anti-viral properties which can boost the immune system. All of the ALO Drinks that I have tried have been also very very tasty. You can buy them in most Whole Food Stores and you can even buy them online. I highly recommend them for both taste and nutritional value....Check out
Alo Drinks here.