
"I am an Actor a Painter, a Singer, a Writer, a Dancer, a Photographer, a Sculptor, and a Designer- a total Artist. Raw Vegan foodie.
I love life- everything and everyone in it-I love unconditionally to the highest degree. Welcome."

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Just Around The Corner

The haunted Halloween month is about to start. This post is dedicated to those who wanted to get a head start. But for those who are slumping behind us Halloweeny lovers, dont worry we'll get you a good costume. I saw the largest "Spirit" Halloween store in my life and (duh) had to go in. Oh course I was overcome with giddy childish joy, but I was also kinda disturbed about the costume selection. It was like this store took every possible costume possibility desired and then added the word "sexy" to the beginning. Why do women get the short end of the stick or should I say skirt that all of our costume choices have to be "sexy?" There was- Sexy Kitten, Sexy Chewbacca, Sexy Piglet, Sexy Clown, Sexy Cave Woman. I Just give up finding an awesome costume in the female department... So I went to see what I could find in the male costume department(HINT: I did,prepare to pee your pants laughing later in the post). But I was in no rush and wanted to check out the other displays of creepy spooky things. ....

Muahahahaah, Yes, of course, it had to be done - a playground where the babies are possessed and eating human hands......perrrrfect!
lol I was really excited about showing you this evil baby playground. After admiring the one baby whose head spins like Linda Blair from The Exorcist, I found a costume that was hysterical- like pee yourself funny... I actually think I look quite schwankyy.

Friday, September 24, 2010


It has been quite a ride, this September has been. There is some news I'd like to share with you. Well I have signed on to do an indie horror film called "The Watchers" I am very excited and it should start filming in October- right around the spooky time PERFECT! EXtra Creepy. My character is very dynamic - i.e she has pretty much every aspect of her persona( friends, family, emotionally and mentally) connected to the horrible murders happened and gets tormented a lot- all of this gives way to a fun character.


I found out something about my heritage. I have always been very fascinated with heritages and how far back a single family can trace theirs. Well it turns out that I have a lovely Uncle who also loves learning about one's heritage. So- he has been plugging away getting deeper and farther into "Who were our direct relations?" So Cool.
He stubbled upon a famous relative from the late 1770's in England. It turned out that this relative and I were already formally acquainted. During my senior year of highschool, my English class was primarily about studying British writers. People like John Keats, Jane Austen and Mary Shelley- to name a few. But, I was deeply touched by a singular author that I then decided to be my main focus for the end of the year project. His name was William Wordsworth. I am directly related to William Wordsworth. William Wordsworth's words in "Tintern Abbey" produced a painting in me that I then gave as a gift to my dear English teacher. Below is the painting... But I want to reaffirm to you that I had no idea during my senior year about my heritage of connection to William Wordsworth. Once I did my research I notice another bond between this relative and I - We have the same birthday- April 7th. Holy MOLEY!! I was completely shocked.
I dedicate this post to William Wordsworth...  Being related and having the same birthday is pretty darn cool- PLUS I think we kinds look a like hahaha..................


Friday, September 17, 2010

due to popular demand...

Here are more pictures from my last role on the stage during my senior spring. Yes, I am playing a man and you will notice how eccentric he was. Enjoy the expressions on my face, I a sure you wont see those anytime soon ahahahaha.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Many faces through life

Each face is different. Each face tells a story. And each face is of me. From babe to adult...

Halloween being a gypsy at the age of 6(1998). Funny how my past is reflected in my future.. still a belly dancer.

8 (2001)years old with my new kitty. She died shortly after due to intestinal damage from birth. Still miss her

11 (2003)years old... another Halloween

13years old (2005)

My 14th birthday with mom, dad and my then boyfriend.(2006)
We all have had fun while on the Mac Photo Booth =)! Love my friend and roommate in the back ground.
Debutant Ball.


15 years old. I had crazy awesome hair extensions there. First time at the Grammy's

16 year was a great year, I went from blonde.. brunette to blonde again.

I still look the same from sophmore year...

End of Sophmore year 2008.... Off to Miss Porter's School for junior and senior year...

Playing a man on stage for the first time as the lead in "The Importance of Being Earnest" as Jack Worthing.

Belly Dancing night...

Another character during the winter...

Super talented people in this picture. All from a summer intensive at UCLA Musical Theatre. Love you all (2009)
Another year at the Grammys'

Senior Year!!!!

Such a fun character... haha my 3d male character..(2009)

Senior Spring.... Full of more crazy fashions..2010

The last picture taken before graduation.