
"I am an Actor a Painter, a Singer, a Writer, a Dancer, a Photographer, a Sculptor, and a Designer- a total Artist. Raw Vegan foodie.
I love life- everything and everyone in it-I love unconditionally to the highest degree. Welcome."

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Accessorize or Disguise

Starting with a few craft store flowers and fringe, I create a plan of attack."Would this flower be good with this glitter bulb" and "Is there such thing as too many flowers?" I have constantly been the girl who, with out fail, can pick out the most expensive item in a store. Why is it that us women see the sale rack, but end up leaving the store with something was not on sale? Such trickery. With the women, such as myself, who have the blessing, and the curse, of having costly taste buds when it comes to any item of fashion, I give you this post. I dedicate this post to all of the women whose expensive taste completely exceeds their budget.

Here are pictures of 5 star headbands at a small discount price.

My first headband has gardenias as the large flower on the top and the long ribbon is finished with  a simple tulipy flower with a twinkling pearl set in the middle of each flower. Classic. 

This last lovely headband is extraordinary. It is fun, spunky, and beautiful. Orchids In the Victorian era in Europe, were largely seen as a symbol of luxury and elegance.This orchid's history goes all the way back to the time of the Aztecs. The ancient Aztecs were said to have drank a mixture of vanilla orchid flowers as a strength potion.To this day, the most popular and lasting interpretations have been love, beauty, wisdom, and thoughtfulness. In China, the orchid symbolizes innocence and culture. The pink orchid has indicated pure affection for hundreds of years. Wow!
I received my inspiration and drive to complete this project from a creative design Jane Taylor, located in London. I put a few of her designs below along with her website...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Raining and Pouring.

I like rain. I can deal with it. But today was rain and wind. It was like Mother Nature was damning me for trying to cover myself with an umbrella, so she gave me high gusts of wind.  This lucky surprise deterred my TUMI umbrella  from covering me. Don't you hate it when you have your handy dandy umbrella to save you from the rapid rain fall but the rain becomes like a ninja and gets blown straight at your face rather then just flowing downward. Trust me, I tried to stay dry. I used all of my might to rotate that umbrella down ward to break the ninja rain being blown at my face while walking uphill. Ah, once I found shelter and took off my windy breaker, I looked perfectly dry(I might even have been).... but seriously... I felt drenched. But other than that, the day was great...

In the picture above I am wearing a Prince(yes, the tennis company) 70's vintage wind breaker. I saw it on the streets of NYC and had to purchase it. Hey, it was only 20 dollars. The arrangement of flowers on my head is a headband that was designed and created by yours truly. I will blog all about my other headband creations and where I received my inspiration for them.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Back at School.

Back at school and it is pouring down rain. My mother and I drove all of the 4 hours from Philly to Farmington  rocking out to BPM on XM radio, being super cautious of the foggy rain storm and getting freaked out by the reckless truck drivers.  First, Trucks just scary me because they are so big and I was in a terrible car crash with an 18-wheeler car carrier. But it made it even worse because of the weather. Yuck, i don't advise any one to drive through the New Jersey TurnPike because whenever I travel through it either I get into a big reck or I see others getting hurt. For example, My mother and I were stuck bumper to bumper while the road was cleared off from a truck accident that involved 3 other cars.  Here is an Idea! Why don't they make a separate lane on these highways just for the huge trucks... maybe  then we could save a few lives...
 Once I got back to Miss Porter's, I unloaded my huge pieces of artwork at one of the main buildings so I would be ready to set up my full blown show in a large gallery. I swear I have been waiting so long for this moment, next week I will be having my "Senior Show" were I have the entire gallery to display my pieces. Ah, next week is going to be the best,  my show and my birthday....hmmm Can it get anybetter?
One thing that I am a huge fan of is, drum roll please, clean bed sheets. Ohhh yeah baby, clean, fresh from the dryer, super warm and snugly sheets. When I was a little girl my mom would wrap me, head to toe, in fluffy hot comforters and put the warm socks on my little feetsies.
Back to school and ready for a good night sleep, Are you?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Last Weekend of Spring Break

Four words....Mango Coconut Cheese Cake. It was my Whole Foods, so good but even better with passionfruit gelato.We saved the rest for breakfast =P

My friends from Oldfields School in Maryland drove up to visit me! How sweet. I used to go to Oldfields from 8th to 11th grade, so that made me a new girl junior at Miss Porters. My two closest friends are the ones above, Christiana and Liz(left to right). I was Liz's old roommate during my last year at Oldfields. With these two girls, anything can happen. My mom is posing with the first giant shoe. She is adorable. These are some of the funny lines of the weekend..
"and that is how your get Chocolate lip liner.."
"Num Num Num Num..."
" No baby, those are Ven-e-tian Blinds..."
" and wet nuts.... did you put the wet nuts on the banana split?.. well what about the wet nuts?"
" Is it bad that I want to go back to that jewelry place?"
"We have lots of eggs here, chicken eggs, goose eggs and quail eggs.."
diane von furstenberg leather jacket... love that color, don't love the price..

Liz and Christiana knew my Birthday is coming up. The big 18 on April 7th. They didn't have to, but they were sweet enough to get me a little gift. Good friends are really so priceless.

This weekend was awesome. Thank you to the Mom, Liz and Christiana (and the puppies =)).

Saturday, March 27, 2010

One trinket from Florida...

These pictures above are of my new CC Skye bracelet. CC Skye is the creator of the wrap bracelet with the gold knobs. I walked into the store and was immediately drawn to it, but I bet if you were there too you would have been drawn to it. The store, called Emily Benhams, is known for her pricey footwear. But this CC Skye bracelet was is this case just watching me as I was drooling over its gold chunky-ness. How did i get it? I have no idea.. thank god my birthday is coming up soon because my mom(like clock work) jumped on the chance to celebrate and splurge early. "Happy Early Birthday, Babydoll! Oh, and can you gift wrap that?" Sold! so excited I kept it wrapped until I got home in Philly to open it slowly.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Bye Bye Florida...

I left Florida with a little time until I had to be at the airport and I stopped by a little boutique.
These hippie flowers are actually pens. I thought they were worth sharing...

Sparkles always catch the eye...

This is the Dames Point Bridge....
The Dames Point Bridge goes over the famous St. John's River. The St. John's River is the only river, other than the Nile, that flows north.
Just after packing my suit case I walked across the street from my house to the ocean. I wanted to take a little snap shot of the ocean.

Bye bye....

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Discovery of the Day

Life: How beautiful... 

  • LIFE
    It is on. Discovery Channel a few nights ago debuted there series of "Life." Life is going to be coming on every Sunday at 8pm ep. It will be on at this time for 10 Sundays. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I speak French?

I have been speaking (well learning how to speak) Spanish for 8 years. Yes, Spanish. Maybe I chose it when I was younger because it was easier than "Chinese" and etc. But I think I chose it for the fact that I could(prayed to) obtain a handsome, smoldering hot Spanish Lover!But my long desire to speak French has now been solved. Yes, French. All of you out there who chose French over Spanish, consider yourself envied by Carter Neal (me). But now,I speak fluent French. Yes after all these years, never taking a class and only being in France once, I Got it. But here is the catch, I speak French fluently in my dreams. Literally. (My mom knows some French so she could verify) My mother alerted me this morning to the fact that I was talking fluently in French last night while sleeping. How cool is that??? I know French! My subconscious knows French,I can only imagine what other languages I subconsciously know.
Victory dance, Now I can reel myself in a handsome, Smoldering hot French Lover!
My high went down to a low when I understood the gaping whole in my dream come true. If having a -handsome smoldering hot tall glass of French hottie water- as my lover he could only love me/ understand what I was saying if I was asleep.
I guess all dreams begin and end while your asleep. Oh well..
but i still know french.. tehehe
To be with Javier Hernedez or not to be with Perez Vincent, that is the HOT question.

Maybe tonight I will speak Greek or Italian *wink.*

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Hair did" and done well

Growing up in Florida I found great doctors, stores and hairstylist.  Her name is Paula Collins and she has been doing my hair and my  mothers' for as long as I can remember. I literally wait yearlong to get my hair fixed by Paula because no one else can transform my hair like she does. My roots get so nasty that I always wear my hair up and bangs away from my face (girls, you know what I am saying). But when Paula does my hair she makes me only want to wear it done, even with a rough night sleep it keeps it's silky sweep. The pictures from top>bottom shows the awaiting chair of snips and straightens, Paula in action and then a hilarious before and after of my "transformation". Don't you all just feel better when your hair looks good? eh?? It is almost that everything all of a sudden looks good on you.

AHHHH shield your eyes. haha

My mother and I were talking about "what if you could only employ 3 people to help us at home who would they be"??
Thinking long and hard, we decided in unison that "what if.." Chief, (more importantly) a Makeup and Hair Stylist.  Haha, it would be great to slump out of bed into your own home salon and wake up like a prune, dried up and on the verge of decomposing, and after your coffee see a new women in the mirror. Add it to my "WISH LIST."
If you want to get your hair done by Paula Collins, email her.Mayport39@yahoo.com

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hottie Anomoly

What is a chic/up and coming Hot Spot? Indeed, it is Anomaly.
 Every time I come to Ponte Vedra, I always make it a must stop at the boutiques in downtown Jacksonville's Five Points.  Anomoly exceeds my expectations every time. If you like great deals, go. If you like unique pieces to add to your closet, go. If you accessorize to the 9's, go. If you want to get a bite to eat at a sweet cafe, go. If you just want to talk about life, love and art then, GO! On the Anomaly website you will see some of their pictures of the newest looks going. Anomoly has innovative installation artists come in to teach classes (look at website for hours.)   It truly is a "Hot Spot".

When I was at Anomaly, I bought these two things: a pair of rad sunglasses and a simplistic slip for something a little more flouncy and cute. Thanks Anomaly!