
"I am an Actor a Painter, a Singer, a Writer, a Dancer, a Photographer, a Sculptor, and a Designer- a total Artist. Raw Vegan foodie.
I love life- everything and everyone in it-I love unconditionally to the highest degree. Welcome."

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hey Guys! 
It has been a  while and I have missed you. During this , exactly 1, month away from the blogasphere I have finished filming "Minikin Capital Nights" ( indie thriller), staying warm from the brisk weather and I have been "un-cooking" like crazy. In just a couple days, on the 10th, will make it 3 months of been a raw vegan lady. I have never felt better. IT took a lot to get to this moment and I will admit that detoxing feels like crap- but- you feel like a new person after it. Now that my camera has found its way back to me( it is funny how precious items grow legs and run away from you.) I will be taking ample amount of pictures of the cuisine I am eating. A lot of the recipes I have been preparing are from these books below, I cant seem to get my nose out of them.... 

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Don't have a twitter? I would love to be friends with you on Facebook.
Here is where you can find me!


Be the first to know about my career!
Learn new things!
Have questions about the business? i'll answer you!


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ah,It has been a long time. I've missed you.

Well I have been so busy working hard out in LA. I met wonderful foreign actors and native actors- being surrounded by so much actor energy was refreshing and inspiring(Special shout out to you all). The week of training and networking, with many agents and casting directors, lead me to feel fulfilled. Then right when I got home (haha) I had to turn right back around to fly back to LA. I was eager to get back to LA and already miss it even when I just got back on th east coast this morning.. I had some awesome raw vegan food-"SunPower Natural Cafe"- just the thought makes my stomach smile. I am back filming an indie film in NJ today. soooo tired.. all the travel........

On the last day of my week in LA I had the privilege to be photographed by the lovely photographer "Karen Bystedt"to get a new headshot.
In a few words- this talented artist has photographed Brad Pitt, Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Jr. and many many more. Above are just a few photos out of the LARGE amount that were taken. I will get the rest soon, but until then, these are the ones that I have received so far- so far so good eh? Which ones your favorite so far..?

BE Happy,

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Career Update
You know, I love to share as much fun stuff with you as possible. But I haven't updated you on my career progress in a long time and feel it only fair to keep you as closely informed as possible. Here we go....Lately, I have been scheduled to be apart of a indie horror film called "The Watcher's" but just recently (haha a few days ago) I was informed that I made it into another short film called "Minikin Capital Nights." I am so excited to be playing the role of the lead in both of these cutting edge projects. I am leaving to go to LA for a small work based trip soon and will be updating you along the way.

I want to just extend a huge Thank you and hug to you for reading my blog and supporting me.


This time of the year the best, in my mind, candles are released.
Substituting my summer incense with Pumpkin Spice,Autumn Leaves, Hollyberry candles (and more)make me very very happy.YUmmmmYYY. Smelly candles put a huge smile on my face. Of course, though, I do have a preference with my smells. Some smelly candles can be a little too sweet smelling to me-like really sickly sweet. I like the right combo- a good balance. Ultimately the smelly candle should take the original smell of something, amplify it, but still make it natural, before it lands in my shopping cart. But that's just me. What is your favorite candle smell. I am sucker for spiced pumpkin......

Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog Feature

Welcome! Presenting the first blog post featuring some creative friends, Eva and Gracie, showing off their technique,style and having fun doing it.

Eva and Gracie,

What is your ideal "breakfast of champions"? cookie crisp and beef jerky

What type of person are you both attracted to? young virgins

What are your vices? fashion

What was your best Halloween Costume? the LOTR("Lord of the Ring") fellowship

What inspires both of you? all things medieval, your blog, urban outfitters blog, garden state, the type of music in garden state, large reptiles, animals, the scent of rain

What was each of your biggest "AH HA" moment? still waiting

Where do you both go for relaxation? Starbucks

and Finally..

Have any idols? the great white Pyrenees: http://www1.emmanuel.edu/fac/wetheri/tori.jpg


Photographer: Sara Monahan
Models: Grace Pullin and Eva Goodman

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Hello, Hello, Hello,

Enjoying your Sunday?

I have been eyeing these shoes for a while. I saw them in black on the feet of a guest teacher at school during junior year. I was intrigued and thought that these shoes were rockin.
I finally got myself a pair of these "Vibram Five Finger" shoes and I am eager to share them with you. With these shoes, you are getting back to basics with strengthening all of the many small muscles in your foot and lower leg. I don't know about you, but I love walking bare foot. These shoes are perfect for me and my new lifestyle; I run,I trek, I swim, I do yoga and I travel - this pair of Vibrams allow me to do it all with out taking these shoes off. Want to learn more about the technology behind Vibrams or want to get a pair yourself just? click here.
There are so many different "Vibram Five Finger" shoes for any active lifestyle.....
The one problem I ran into with these shoes is the sizing chart. These shoes are definitely not a" buy online" type of shoe (unless you have had previous experience with Vibrams'). These shoes need to be tried on in the store because each shoe is made to fit perfectly different.

Since we are now coming into cooler weather, you may want to seriously consider the Injinji toe socks made specifically for these shoes.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Retro Heels

Oo LA LA, I love finding things I have missed. These shoes seem to have hid themselves from me. It wasn't until I did a "fall cleaning"  when I found them. Gosh, I need to be more organized.  But it looks like I won't have an opportunity to wear these shoes anytime soon since the weather is getting colder -it seems I have lost my chance- fear not, I can still wear them around the house... lol

Friday, October 8, 2010


Hello Lovely,
This post is dedicated to Hemp- a plant that gets under recognized and ultimately underused. I am a huge advocate of Hemp and here is why....
Lets get down to the facts..

Hemp is a highly valuable crop and the oilseed and fiber varieties can be used for the production of fabrics, rope, paper, food, health and beauty aids, printing inks, paint, and building materials.

Hemp is not Psychoactive – meaning you CANNOT get high from Hemp.

Hemp seeds are considered the “perfect food” and contain all 10 Essential Amino Acids and a naturally balanced 1:3 ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids

Hemp can provide four times as much pulp for paper with at least 4-7 times less pollution than tree paper.

Hemp can displace wood fiber and save forests for watershed, wildlife habitat, recreation and oxygen production, carbon sequestration (reduces global warming), and other values

Hemp could be made into products such as medium density fiber board, oriented strand board, and even beams, studs and posts. Because of hemp's long fibers, the products will be stronger and/or lighter than those made from wood.

Hemp is a robust plant, and requires no herbicides or pesticides grow.

Hemp can displace cotton which is usually grown with massive amounts of chemicals harmful to people and the environment. 50% of all the world's pesticides are sprayed on cotton.

More Facts....

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew hemp. Ben Franklin owned a mill that made hemp paper. Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence on hemp paper.

Because of its importance for sails (the word "canvass" is rooted in "cannabis") and rope for ships, hemp was a required crop in the American colonies.

Henry Ford experimented with hemp to build car bodies. He wanted to build and fuel cars from farm products.

BMW is experimenting with hemp materials in automobiles as part of an effort to make cars more recyclable.

Much of the bird seed sold in the US has hemp seed (it's sterilized before importation), the hulls of which contain about 25% protein.

Rudolph Diesel designed his engine to run on hemp oil.

“The oilseed varieties most commonly grown for food can grow up to 10-15 feet tall within 90-120 days.” Fabrics made of at least one-half hemp block the sun's UV rays more effectively than other fabrics.

The USA is the only industrialized country that does NOT allow farmers to grow Hemp!

CLICK to See if your state supports hemp..

CLICK to urge your congressman to support hemp..

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sweat Jazmine's


Just in time for the holidays..
Check them out on online...

"The Sweet Jazmine" cake
This is a sweet potato cake on top of a sweet potato cheese cake. 

The peanut butter cookie !
This Coffee Cake blew my socks off. Not only did I not expect it to be this good but before this I didn't even like coffee cakes.. i am a changed coffee cake lover after this little bit of heaven.

Chocolaty chocolate heath bar cookie!

Beauty in Blue-ray !

Got to love the classics. 
Just because I am 18 doesn't mean that I have to abandon the simple childhood pleasures, if anything I embrace them more than ever...
I am so excited for the Diamond Edition of Beauty and the Beast in Blue-ray. AND. It comes out tomorrow! (10/5/10)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Just Around The Corner

The haunted Halloween month is about to start. This post is dedicated to those who wanted to get a head start. But for those who are slumping behind us Halloweeny lovers, dont worry we'll get you a good costume. I saw the largest "Spirit" Halloween store in my life and (duh) had to go in. Oh course I was overcome with giddy childish joy, but I was also kinda disturbed about the costume selection. It was like this store took every possible costume possibility desired and then added the word "sexy" to the beginning. Why do women get the short end of the stick or should I say skirt that all of our costume choices have to be "sexy?" There was- Sexy Kitten, Sexy Chewbacca, Sexy Piglet, Sexy Clown, Sexy Cave Woman. I Just give up finding an awesome costume in the female department... So I went to see what I could find in the male costume department(HINT: I did,prepare to pee your pants laughing later in the post). But I was in no rush and wanted to check out the other displays of creepy spooky things. ....

Muahahahaah, Yes, of course, it had to be done - a playground where the babies are possessed and eating human hands......perrrrfect!
lol I was really excited about showing you this evil baby playground. After admiring the one baby whose head spins like Linda Blair from The Exorcist, I found a costume that was hysterical- like pee yourself funny... I actually think I look quite schwankyy.

Friday, September 24, 2010


It has been quite a ride, this September has been. There is some news I'd like to share with you. Well I have signed on to do an indie horror film called "The Watchers" I am very excited and it should start filming in October- right around the spooky time PERFECT! EXtra Creepy. My character is very dynamic - i.e she has pretty much every aspect of her persona( friends, family, emotionally and mentally) connected to the horrible murders happened and gets tormented a lot- all of this gives way to a fun character.


I found out something about my heritage. I have always been very fascinated with heritages and how far back a single family can trace theirs. Well it turns out that I have a lovely Uncle who also loves learning about one's heritage. So- he has been plugging away getting deeper and farther into "Who were our direct relations?" So Cool.
He stubbled upon a famous relative from the late 1770's in England. It turned out that this relative and I were already formally acquainted. During my senior year of highschool, my English class was primarily about studying British writers. People like John Keats, Jane Austen and Mary Shelley- to name a few. But, I was deeply touched by a singular author that I then decided to be my main focus for the end of the year project. His name was William Wordsworth. I am directly related to William Wordsworth. William Wordsworth's words in "Tintern Abbey" produced a painting in me that I then gave as a gift to my dear English teacher. Below is the painting... But I want to reaffirm to you that I had no idea during my senior year about my heritage of connection to William Wordsworth. Once I did my research I notice another bond between this relative and I - We have the same birthday- April 7th. Holy MOLEY!! I was completely shocked.
I dedicate this post to William Wordsworth...  Being related and having the same birthday is pretty darn cool- PLUS I think we kinds look a like hahaha..................


Friday, September 17, 2010

due to popular demand...

Here are more pictures from my last role on the stage during my senior spring. Yes, I am playing a man and you will notice how eccentric he was. Enjoy the expressions on my face, I a sure you wont see those anytime soon ahahahaha.